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Employee Training is Necessary for your Company

Employee Training is Necessary for your Company

Most of the recruiters like you would not hire unqualified or underrepresented candidates, as they would like to get hold of the well-skilled and highly qualified candidates to build a stronger talent pool for their companies. But as days pass by, you may find under-qualified employees in your workplace. It does not mean that they were underqualified form their first day as you hired them by yourself matching with your criteria of an ideal candidate, but it may be because they are not much updated with the technology changes or new methods development, as they remain busy in their work full day and have not got enough times to update themselves. Having under-qualified candidates may not provide a good global impact on your company or it may ruin your strong employer brand, so what are you going to do with them?

Seems like you have floated yourself on a deep ocean of thinking! In this case, I would just let you know that it is nothing to worry about. You can train your existing employees in your workplace easily, even within their work schedules too. Do not get me wrong, but first, you have to remove certain excuses like “we do not have enough time to train our employees”, or “we do not have much money to train our whole working team”. Yes! Both time and money matter to hold a training program for all of your existing employees, but retaining the best talent pool in your work team, and holding a stronger employer brand is much necessary I guess to beat the market competition as well as the recruitment competition, what would you say? So, first, let’s get started with the matter by understanding what training and development mean to your company.

What does the Employee Training and Development Program mean to your company?


Training actually provides a great opportunity to expand the knowledge base of your existing working team and expand their skill sets too, but yes in this current situation, many of the employers may take this developmental opportunity as a costly incident. Yes, it is true that to train an employee fully and develop him/her costs money, time as well as materials too. There are many companies that do not have enough experts to lead the training program, so they had to invest in some third parties who conduct the training program in the workplace. Additionally, the employees may have missed out on their work times to get trained, and that leads to a delay in project competition, which also costs time and money both. Sometimes there are employers who avoid training their employees based on any past experience like the previous training session was not good or the training topic was not much helpful. And a failed training program costs a non-billable amount of money as well as time as well as resources, and it is the main reason many businesses do not want to take the risks. 

But, if you could only think about these drawbacks, which are definitely potential, then you will not be able to taste the success of this scenario. Like hurdles come on every road, but we should skip the hurdle, not the road, otherwise, we may fall behind. Similarly, if you think positively, you may find the training program will benefit both the employees themselves as well as the company too, that makes the invested time and money worthwhile, and this return of the time and money will be no brainer for both of them.

Why is Employee Training necessary for Your Company?


Most employers may not want to work with an under-skilled worker or may avoid upskilling their existing employees, but it is true that employees are the biggest asset of a company, and they work so hard only to make their companies reach the goal points and achieve success. Due to the development of new technologies and work methods, many employees seem underskilled, but they need the proper training and development opportunity to grow inside the company rather than to leave the workplace.

A well-designed training program may be the key to unlock the potentialities of your existing workforce and upskill them, as well as to help you to meet your business goals, and improve employee satisfaction. Below are some reasons why you should invest more in the employee training program,

Employees are everything, and replacing them is much more expensive.

Nothing can be smarter to retain and train the existing staff than to replace him with a new one. Why? You think by yourself, today’s recruitment is not a cheap incident, you have to post a certain job description on certain job portals and make advertisement on social media, also you have to leverage technologies to get the right fit candidate for your workplace, and replacing a staff will much more cost almost 10% of the annual salary of an employee. It will be highly expensive to replace an existing employee with a new one. Now coming to the point about why to train them! Well, research shows that almost 45% of employees have tendencies to switch between their jobs for better opportunities and they leave their positions within one year due to a lack of training programs. I hope you should not want to lose an employee on this only. Increasing your employee’s retention rate not only saves your cost for hiring, as well as making a good impression on your employer brand, which at least provides you a competitive advantage.

Increase in Productivity and Efficiency, make you reach your goal faster.

Working with a group of upskilled employees will definitely make your company more productive and enhance the efficiency of your workforce. By holding a training program you can make your employees both up skilled and multi-skilled. The upskilling employees are the process to extend the knowledge base of your employees on a particular skill set and make them updated. And the multiskilling an employee means that your employees will be able to multitask at a time and solve multi-problem at the same time, it will additionally save your cost and money, as you will get multi work for one person at the same time, no need to hiring an extra person. Also, well-trained employees are the happiest employees, and if your employees are less stressed and happy, then definitely they will provide more productivity in your workforce.

Competitors will get afraid of a well-reputed company having a strong brand value.

When your employees are satisfied in your workforce, they will leave the thought to leave your organization. As well as they will give both you and your organization good reviews on social media as well as in their personal lives too. This will automatically increase the employee retention rate of your company, and build a stronger talent pool for your organization. And eventually, this leads to an increase in your market reputation and builds a stronger employer branding for you. Your industry-standard will increase for this, and you will get a good global impact on your organization. And it will make you stay out of the market competition and save your time and costs for the recruitment. Also, enhanced skilled employees after training can be able to work on the senior role too, so you may not have to find an upskilled candidate for your senior roles, like project leaders, as well as hiring managers.

From the above passages of my article you get to know that employee training is necessary for your company, and not only your as well as for every company, either a start-up or standard ones. Employees are the greatest asset that a company has, and like shaping a gem makes it diamond, likewise training the existing employees in your workforce builds a stronger talent pool for you. Even you always no need to hold a program on the working hours, you can simply schedule an online meeting for the training program too, even you can use the lunch hours like a Learn N Lunch event. What would you say?

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