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Using the Virtual Interview to Get Best Fit Tech Talent for Your Company

Virtual Interview

Tech recruiting is getting tougher and tougher through time. And through time the interview process for tech recruitment is also shifting itself from pen and paper to online job boards through social media, and nowadays by conducting the virtual interviews.

Hiring the best tech talent is a long and stressful process (takes almost 45 days to successfully recruit an employee) and the recruiters always look for a way to make this time-consuming process easier and smarter by leveraging some common technologies like Skype, Webcams, etc., and thus, they found a way which is the virtual interviews. The old and traditional face to face interview becomes outdated and the virtual interview seems to be the new way of the interview process to the HR teams of tech recruiting companies.

The virtual interview, which is often called the “digital interview” or “video conference” is an easy way to get the best fit tech talents for a tech company. Though the traditional face to face interview is still the commonest ever and also it is time-consuming as well as costly for the recruiters. The virtual interview is generally conducted in a fully automated manner through an online platform. Recruiters generally go for this virtual interview process as they can generally assess the initial potentiality of the candidates through this. Also being unprofessional some candidates do not value the virtual interview as they show informal behavior or negative body language, or sometimes they show their un-comfortability in front of the camera which shows nothing but the lack of the interest of that candidate. Along with this, the organizer will be able to evaluate the candidates online before having a face to face conversation with them. After successfully passing the stage of virtual interview the recruiters can call the desired candidates for a face to face interview in the office and then offer them the job.

Apart from this, conducting virtual interviews is beneficial for a tech company in these ways:


– Conducting a virtual interview gives easier access to the tech recruiting company to find the best tech talent. They do not need to set an interview platform, even they do not need to make an interview board. They do not need to make an interview team, and lastly, they do not need to be present in the office early by time to make the whole set up for the interview schedule. Just by making a live broadcast, sending a link to the candidate to join the broadcast and then conducting an interview virtually they can easily access the interests of the candidate for the first time.

– The virtual interview will save the extra time of the recruiters which they spend to make an entire interview process. Also, it saves that extra cost which they use to set up the whole interview process. Again scheduling a virtual interview is always easier and better than the traditional one. Even there will be no problem if the candidate or the recruiter did not reach to the interview, simply they can set a different date for that issue. But in a traditional interview for both the recruiter and the candidate, it will be a big loss if one of them could not make possible to reach the interview. The whole interview set up will be valueless and again it has to be made up which consumes more resources of the company.

– By using virtual interview the recruiters can access tech talents across the world. Companies can expand their candidate searches nationally and internationally through virtual interviews. This allows the long-distance candidates to be more audible and viable to the companies. Like a candidate who lives in a neighboring state then s/he will be unable to come for a traditional interview. Also for a recruiter always going to set an interview in different states or countries will consume more resources. The virtual interview conduction reduces travel costs and also allows more efficient use of time for both the tech recruiting company and the candidates.

– Using the virtual interview it shows the recruiters that they re agile and long-sighted. As a company by using these modern recruiting solutions like video interviewing is the most popular with high-tech companies. Even the companies can use any artificial intelligence or AI specialized services to conduct the interview which shows the technological up-gradation of the companies and make a good point for company branding.

– For making a virtual interview the recruiters can go for two ways. One is a “one-line video interview”, and another is a “two-line video interview”. In the first way the interviewers set some questions and recorded it and sent the link of the video to the candidate, the candidate then also make a video along with the answers of questions asked through the initial video, and then submitted it or sent it to the HR team through email. After satisfying themselves the interviewers make a platform where the candidates can answer their questions by staying live. Like the interviewers ask questions and the candidates respond immediately. Also, they both can be visible to each other, which will make the recruiters watch the candidates in their home turfs. After successfully passing the virtual interview the recruiters will call the candidates for a face to face interview in the office and then make hiring decisions.

Now for the main part, using the virtual interview a recruiter can get the best tech talent. How? Okay, let us focus on this now.


No Competition:

Online interview or virtual interview gives recruiters the opportunities to set the competition free interview by which they can easily access one candidate for a longer time to get to know him/her fully, also they can interact with the candidate easily. The candidates will also get a rival free platform so they can easily express him/her self in front of the interviewers.

No Biasness:

Sometimes interviewers get biased when it comes to an interview. But using virtual interviews the chances of getting biased will be less, which will make the recruiters get the best tech talents. As the recruiters can not see the candidate in person and thus will not go for their physical appearances to feel biased when recruiting.

Interests of the Candidate:

Conducting a virtual interview the recruiters can check the main interest of the candidate on his/her job profile and the recruiting company. If the candidate is serious about the job role and the recruiting company then they will never show any kind of uninteresting gestures or body language or behavior to the recruiters. They will be dressed formally and be determined to answer all the questions that the recruiters will ask. The recruiters should go for questions regarding the company and the job roles to know how much research has been done by the candidate, it shows the serious interests of the candidate.

Get to know the Candidate Fully:

The Virtual interview gives the candidates a chance to fully show what they are made of, and also what are they capable of. Virtual interviews let the recruiters or the interviewers observe the candidate, his/her body language and how they answer questions in front of the camera under pressure.

Capabilities of the Candidate:

By conducting a virtual interview a recruiter gets to know how much the candidate is technologically capable of, like by watching how the candidate masters to use this online based interview program. It helps the recruiters to determine whether the candidate is fit for the job or not.

The Seriousness of the Candidate:

As the virtual interview occurs in a very unprofessional and informal way, some candidates may show their lack of seriousness regarding this online interview. They can perform multitask at the very time of the interview, like chatting with friends, browsing Facebook, checking email, etc. which clearly shows the lack of the seriousness of the candidates regarding the job. Do not go for these candidates.

Check the Personality:

The recruiters should ask the same questions to every candidate with whom they are conducting virtual interviews. It allows them to know about the personality of the candidate along with his/her basic soft skills. Like how they communicate, how they possess themselves in front of a camera, how they can handle situations, etc.

Last but not the least, every process has its drawbacks, like this virtual interview process has some problems like poor net connection, un-comfortabilities of the candidates in front of a camera, etc. Also, it will not allow the recruiters to watch the non-verbal behavior of the candidates. But using this kind of interview will speed up the entire interview process. Even if the recruiters can thinking of the telephonic interview with the candidate, to save the extra cost, still I am telling you that the virtual interviews are beneficial as it allows the recruiters to see the candidate and their performance in front of a camera with pressure.

Thank you, readers, for reading the full article. I hope these above passages will help you to recruit the best tech talent using the virtual interviews. If you find this article helpful and satisfied, then please do share it with your friends and colleagues. Also, comment below to let me know that if you have anything to add up in the article.

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